NOCH 60872 Aqua Effects, 125 ml (NOCH)

NOCH 60872 Aqua Effects, 125 ml

The NOCH Aqua Effects are ideally suited for creating special features on bodies of water created with the NOCH Water Drops, Model Water or 2K Water Gel. You can re-create realistic waterfalls or impressive cataracts ver

Article number: 60872
Quantity: 3

NOCH 60872 Aqua Effects, 125 ml

The NOCH Aqua Effects are ideally suited for creating special features on bodies of water created with the NOCH Water Drops, Model Water or 2K Water Gel. You can re-create realistic waterfalls or impressive cataracts very easily.

The NOCH Aqua Effects have a viscous consistency and are white in colour. After several hours, the liquid dries and and turns milky and transparent. Due to its flexible consistency, the material can also be used at steep locations, for example for waterfalls. To create rapids. you can simply apply a few dots of NOCH Aqua Effects and then spread them with a bristle brush.

Product type: scale model finished
Scale: H0/00
Product Material: Wood, lasercut, cardboard, stickers & slides, white metal
Product's Color: Material's color
Model Type: Image Statue Item Gate Machine Furniture Surface Rolling material, vehicle
Model's material: Brick
Number of items: 1

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