NOCH 60861 Waves & Billows, 150 ml, easy-to-use (NOCH)

NOCH 60861 Waves & Billows, 150 ml, easy-to-use

It Flows, Bubbles and Whooshes - Water in Motion
Water structuring is one of the most sophisticated topics in model landscaping. To enable you to easily and quickly achieve the best results, NOCH has dev

Article number: 60861
Quantity: 5

NOCH 60861 Waves & Billows, 150 ml, easy-to-use

It Flows, Bubbles and Whooshes - Water in Motion
Water structuring is one of the most sophisticated topics in model landscaping. To enable you to easily and quickly achieve the best results, NOCH has developed three new water products. The improvements and innovations are in the details: all three new items are completely (real) water-based! This is not only good for the environment, but also enables you to work on every surface, even polystyrene. Just clean the tool with water after use.

So far, a modeller could only choose from the NOCH range the established Water Effects. To form for example high waves on a beach for surfers or a diorama with ships on the high seas, we have developed »Waves and Billows«.
»Waves & Billows« is a substance, which is applied on the water surface with the help of a small spatula or toothpick. After rough modelling, let the mass sit for half an hour, before giving it the desired shape by forming with your spatula, toothpick or coarse brush.

Product type: scale model finished
Scale: H0/00
Product Material: Wood, lasercut, cardboard, stickers & slides, white metal
Product's Color: Material's color
Model Type: Image Statue Item Gate Machine Furniture Surface Rolling material, vehicle
Model's material: Brick
Number of items: 1

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