Noch 08752 Snow Paste, 250 g (NOCH)

Noch 08752 Snow Paste, 250 g

Snow paste for tabletop model landscaping and Basing. The box contains 250 g snow paste. The white-glittering paste is viscous and moldable. The mass is taken out of the can with a spatula (or with a butter knife or a spoon

Article number: 8752
Quantity: 1

Noch 08752 Snow Paste, 250 g

Snow paste for tabletop model landscaping and Basing. The box contains 250 g snow paste. The white-glittering paste is viscous and moldable. The mass is taken out of the can with a spatula (or with a butter knife or a spoon). The snow paste can be diluted with water. To create a smooth surface you can use a brush to smooth it out. Clean your brushes and palette knife under running water.

Product type: scale model finished
Scale: H0/00
Product Material: Wood, lasercut, cardboard, stickers & slides, white metal
Product's Color: Material's color
Model Type: Image Statue Item Gate Machine Furniture Surface Rolling material, vehicle
Model's material: Brick
Number of items: 1

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