MIG 0256 RLM 84 Graublau (17 ML) (MIG Jimenez)

MIG 0256 RLM 84 Graublau (17 ML)

RLM 84 Graublau was applied to the upper surfaces of the Luftwaffe´s aircraft during the final months of World War II, usually in combination with other colours. Among the aircraft types to wear this colour were the las

Article number: MIG0256
Quantity: 4

MIG 0256 RLM 84 Graublau (17 ML)

RLM 84 Graublau was applied to the upper surfaces of the Luftwaffe´s aircraft during the final months of World War II, usually in combination with other colours. Among the aircraft types to wear this colour were the last versions of the famous Bf 109.

Product type: scale model finished
Scale: H0/00
Product Material: Wood, lasercut, cardboard, stickers & slides, white metal
Product's Color: Material's color
Model Type: Image Statue Item Gate Machine Furniture Surface Rolling material, vehicle
Model's material: Brick
Number of items: 1

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