Märklin 30131 Class 1100 Electric Locomotive (gauge H0) (Märklin)

Märklin30131 Class 1100 Electric Locomotive (gauge H0)

Prototype: Dutch State Railways (NS) class 1100 electric locomotive. Turquoise green basic paint scheme. Double-arm pantographs included. Locomotive road number 1117. The locomotive looks as it did

Article number: 30131
Quantity: 1

Märklin 30131 Class 1100 Electric Locomotive (gauge H0)

  • Märklin classic of the Fifties.
  • New locomotive road number 1117.
  • Packaging based on the historic design of that time.
  • Contemporary with an mfx digital decoder.

Model: This is a reissue of a Märklin classic. The locomotive has an mfx digital decoder. It also has controlled, high-efficiency propulsion. 2 axles powered. Traction tires. Dual headlights change over with the direction of travel, will work in conventional operation, and can be controlled digitally. The locomotive body and frame are constructed of metal. There are Relex couplers at both ends of the locomotive. The packaging has a colored representation of the locomotive based on the historic packaging of that time. Length over the buffers 16.5 cm / 6-1/2".


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